An Ezine Author!

Jose Hipolito, EzineArticles Basic Author

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Good Life in Captivity

This morning, I woke up with a text message of the night before, which I wasn't able to read until the morning,  from The Cebuana, which simply reads: 2 Corinthians 10:5.

Of course I was curious what the verse could mean.  Could it be a quote about love or something like that?  So I grabbed my Bible and to my surprise, it wasn't a love quote!

Here's what it says:

We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ (NASB)

(For other translation, please visit this page.)

So I wondered what it could mean because at that moment, when you just came from a deep slumber, you would really have a hard time thinking.  Until this time I was pondering upon the meaning of that line.  

I read some commentaries about the verse and I tried as much as I can to understand. But it seems to be too profound for me.   Well, here's my opinion of the passage.

Yes, I think it should mean surrender.  Surrender to Christ.  All throughout the ages, people are trying to seek knowledge and wisdom just about everything.  We tried to understand everything, from something as huge as the entire universe to something as small as the parts of an atom.  Until recently, man had discover the everything is just made up of energy.  We continuously seek for answers.  And in the process, we tend to think of our knowledge higher than that of the Creator.  We like to make things complicated, find answers to our complicated questions, and when we find the complicated answers, we explained it as if it is too simple and forget the source of that knowledge.

Surrender to Christ.  How long shall we think highly of ourselves?  Why don't we just submit ourselves to Christ - our thoughts FIRST?!

Why do we have to complicate things?  Here is a God who says that with His Words He created the world and everything in it.  Here is a God who says that ask and you shall received.  Here is a God who says that Jesus, His only Son, is the only Way, Truth and Life. Here is a God who says that He will never abandon us.  Here is a God who says that all we have to do is seek first His kingdom and everything will be added unto us.  

What else do we seek?  What else do we need to know?  What else do we need to prove?  Nothing.  Every lofty things and thoughts raised against the knowledge of God shall be held captive to the obedience of Christ.

Am I preaching now? No.  I know some of you will say, "Who's this guy to talk something like this?"

Well, I am just expressing my thoughts about the passage in the hope that I may help some to find a reason to Live the Good, or shall I say, Godly Life.  Afterall, I decided to quit being a people pleaser.

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