An Ezine Author!

Jose Hipolito, EzineArticles Basic Author

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

You Are Not An Exception

"Nobody has a more sacred obligation to obey the law than those who make the law." -Sophocles

 Let me ask you a very personal question today.  Why do you think you experience things going out of orders or simply not the way it's supposed to be?  Was it because of some external factors and the circumstances or was it because of our own actions?

I have been in this world for more than a quarter of a century and in my life and work experiences I've seen people who make and break their own laws.

You may have heard of lawmakers being sued or accused of graft and corrupt practices, business owners and executives being fired out for not following established rules and regulations, and companies going into bankruptcy because they violate the laws they are supposed to adhere to.

I don't have to go too far and cite as many example as I can.  All I have to do is just look in the mirror and there I'll see the living example of a man who makes and breaks his own law.

As humans, we know we have to abide to certain order of things.  But how do we really respond to this order?

Let's take the following examples for living a good life:
  • Love and serve God
  • Honor and love your parents 
  • Treat others as you want to be treated
  • Make new friends and keep the old ones 
  • Eat healthy foods
  • Exercise daily
  • Get enough rest/sleep
  • Read a good book
  • Save
  • Invest
  • Work hard
  • Pray harder
... and the list goes on and on.  These are just some of the laws or rules we set for ourselves but remain in the list and were never followed.  Most of the time, it is us, the person who are supposed to impose it, are the first ones to break it.

In every aspect our lives there are laws - in living a good life, in dealing with people, in dealing with our families, in running our businesses, and in our workspaces.  As many as the laws we have are the ways we do to circumvent it and make ourselves the exceptions.  

We know the laws.  The universal ones and the ones we make for ourselves.  But more often than not, we are the first ones who break it.  Then we ask why are things falling apart?  We ask why we don't get what we want.  The answer is simple - STOP BREAKING THE LAW.  You are not an exception to the law, even if you the one who makes them.  Because when you do, you are throwing away your self-respect.  

Remember what we've always said, Be More to Have More.  If you want more respect from others, learn to respect yourself more.  If you want a more orderly life, put more order in to your heart.

God said that the wage of sin is death.  That's His law.  There's no one above it, even His own Son Jesus.  Jesus died in the cross as a payment for sins.  Whose sins?  Mine.  Yours.  Ours.  Even God did not excused Him from His Law.  That's obedience.  That's dignity.  That's true honor.  That's leadership.  

If God did not spare Himself from the Law, who are we not to follow?  

May I ask you to do something?

Write down your personal laws, it could be ones you've already established or the ones you would like to implement into your life in the future.  Then, WILL YOU PLEASE STOP MAKING EXCUSES!  YOU ARE NOT AN EXCEPTION!  

It may seem that I am a little harsh this time.  That's because the message is not just for your, my reader, but for me as well.  

I encourage you to take time to think about this.  And in the process, may you learn to Live the Good Life.

"Lead, follow, or get out of the way." - Thomas Paine

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