An Ezine Author!

Jose Hipolito, EzineArticles Basic Author

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

What Constitutes a Good Life? by Jim Rohn

Let me share with you an article from the website.  It is on the net and free for all to see, so I guess I am not doing anything illegal by posting the article here. All credits go to Mr. Jim Rohn and to

The ultimate expression of life is not a paycheck. The ultimate expression of life is not a Mercedes. The ultimate expression of life is not a million dollars or a bank account or a home. Here's the ultimate expression of life in my opinion, and that is living the good life. Here's what we must ask constantly, "What for me would be a good life?" And you have to keep going over and over the list. A list including areas such as spirituality, economics, health, relationships and recreation. What would constitute a good life? I've got a short list.
1) Number one, productivity. You won't be happy if you don't produce. The game of life is not rest. We must rest, but only long enough to gather strength to get back to productivity. What's the reason for the seasons and the seeds, the soil and the sunshine, the rain and the miracle of life? It's to see what you can do with it—to try your hand. Other people have tried their hand; here's what they did. You try your hand to see what you can do. So part of life is productivity.
2) Next are good friends. Friendship is probably the greatest support system in the world. Don't deny yourself the time to develop this support system. Nothing can match it. It's extraordinary in its benefit. Friends are those wonderful people who know all about you and still like you. A few years ago, I lost one of my dearest friends. He died at age 53—heart attack. David is gone, but he was one of my very special friends. I used to say of David that if I was stuck in a foreign jail somewhere accused unduly and if they would allow me one phone call, I would call David. Why? He would come and get me. That's a friend. Somebody who would come and get you. Now we've all got casual friends. And if you called them they would say, "Hey, if you get back, call me and we'll have a party." So you've got to have both, real friends and casual friends.
3) Next on the list of a good life is your culture. Your language, your music, the ceremonies, the traditions, the dress. All of that is so vitally important that you must keep it alive. In fact it is the uniqueness of all of us that when blended together brings vitality, energy, power, influence, uniqueness and rightness to the world.
4) Next is your spirituality. It helps to form the foundation of the family that builds the nation. And make sure you study, practice and teach. Don't be careless about the spiritual part of your nature; it's what makes us who we are, different from dogs, cats, birds and mice. Spirituality.
5) Next, here's what my parents taught me. Don't miss anything. Don't miss the game. Don't miss the performance, don't miss the movie, don't miss the show, don't miss the dance. Go to everything you possibly can. Buy a ticket to everything you possibly can. Go see everything and experience all you possibly can. This has served me so well to this day. Just before my father died at age 93, if you were to call him at 10:30 or 11:00 at night, he wouldn't be home. He was at the rodeo, he was watching the kids play softball, he was listening to the concert, he was at church, he was somewhere every night.
Live a vital life. Here's one of the reasons why. If you live well, you will earn well. If you live well it will show in your face, it will show in the texture of your voice. There will be something unique and magical about you if you live well. It will infuse not only your personal life but also your business life. And it will give you a vitality nothing else can give.
6) Next are your family and the inner circle. Invest in them and they'll invest in you. Inspire them and they'll inspire you. With your inner circle take care of the details. When my father was still alive, I used to call him when I traveled. He'd have breakfast most every morning with the farmers. Little place called The Decoy Inn out in the country where we lived in Southwest Idaho. So Papa would go there and have breakfast and I'd call him just to give him a special day. Now if I was in Israel, I'd have to get up in the middle of the night, but it only took five minutes, ten minutes. So I'd call Papa and they'd bring him the phone. I'd say, "Papa, I'm in Israel." He'd say, "Israel! Son, how are things in Israel?" He'd talk real loud so everybody could hear. “My son's calling me from Israel!” I'd say, "Papa, last night they gave me a reception on the rooftop underneath the stars overlooking the Mediterranean." He'd say, "Son, a reception on the rooftop underneath the stars overlooking the Mediterranean." Now everybody knows the story. It only took five or ten minutes, but what a special day for my father, age 93.
If a father walks out of the house and he can still feel his daughter's kiss on his face all day, he's a powerful man. If a husband walks out of the house and he can still feel the imprint of his wife's arms around his body, he's invincible all day. It's the special stuff with the inner circle that makes you strong and powerful and influential. So don't miss that opportunity. Here's the greatest value. The prophet said, "There are many virtues and values, but here's the greatest, one person caring for another." There is no greater value than love. Better to live in a tent on the beach with someone you love than to live in a mansion by yourself. One person caring for another, that's one of life's greatest expressions.
So make sure in your busy day to remember the true purpose and the reasons you do what you do. May you truly live the kind of life that will bring the fruit and rewards that you desire.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Shaken Not Stirred: As Solid As A Rock

"Shaken not stirred."   That's just one of the famous lines of world's most known spy, James Bond a.k.a Agent "Double-O Seven" (007).  Of course he referred that line to his favorite Vodka Martini.
Do you think that it could also apply to real life?

In simple terms, let us define them.

Shaken - "Disturbed psychologically as if by a physical jolt or shock"

Stirred - "Being excited or provoked to the expression of an emotion.  Mixed"

Hmmm.. doesn't make any significant difference at all, does it? I think being shaken means being disturbed while being stirred means acting based on emotions, being pushed around unreasonably and illogically.

Let us take a closer look.  James Bond, as most of us know, could face and overcome all kinds of troubles and dangers and accomplish superhuman feats, either using his wits or his latest gadgets.  We have seen him experienced harrowing experiences that would definitely shake every average human being.  But despite of all those saddening and literally painful experiences, he remained true to his oath of service to his government and to his missions.  No matter what happens, Bond always completes his assignments by isolating himself from the situation. He is very seldom moved by the emotions attached to it, enabling him to judge rightly and think accurately as warranted by every situation.  He is shaken, yes, but not stirred.

But that was 007, a fictional character, human, flawed like you and me.

There is, however, someone who had shown a true meaning of being "Shaken but not Stirred."  This man is a Carpenter who lived thousands of years ago before us.  His name is Jesus.   Jesus was disturbed by what was happening to the world during that time.  Evil doings were rampant.  Dishonor and disobedience to God were everywhere.  People were living in sin.   He thought that it was the right time to  come down to earth and bring these people back in the arms of the Almighty.  He was shaken.  His love for mankind moved Him to offer His own life as a ransom for every human's wrong doings.  Was He stirred?  No.  He was tempted not just a single time to abandon His mission.  But He never bent.  He was accused of treason, rebellion, blasphemy and even associated to the devil himself.  He was  arrested, persecuted, crucified and killed by the very people He saved.  He know all these would happen.  But was He stirred enough to abandon His mission? No.  Was He shaken by these things.  Yes.  We know that He wept for these people.  But He never gave up on them.  He never gave up on His mission.

Unlike James Bond, Jesus did not rely on His intelligence or gadgets.  He used His love for mankind to help Him accomplished what He was supposed to do.  His faith in humanity that somehow, someday, they would all return to their true God inspired Jesus to stick to His mission.

Jesus was shaken but was never stirred to abandon or take another path to His mission because His foundations are as solid as a rock.

In our daily lives, we also face situations where we are shaken and stirred.  More often than not, we tend to play the James Bond role, trying to overcome everything, relying on our own wits and abilities.  There's nothing wrong with that.  In fact, it signifies that we trust that which have been bestowed upon us.  However, the problem arises when we tend to rely too much on our self, forgetting that there's a greater source of power and relief.

Human sufferings and experiences will shake and stir us.  It's a given fact.  It can sway us away from the path we ought to take.  We're just humans after all, vulnerable to pain and mistakes.  But before we totally surrender to our opponents - the challenges of our lives, let us try to look for the example that Jesus have shown us 2000 years ago which still applies today.

Continue to nurture our love for one another.  Keep the faith in humanity alive.  Believe that pains and trials are not meant to hamper us in arriving at our destination but rather stepping stones that will help us reach higher and farther.  Each of us has at least one mission in life.  Find it.  Stick to it.  Have faith in God and in Jesus so that no matter what life may throw, though we may be shaken, we will not be stirred, because we know what we need to do and we know where we could anchor our faith as solid as a rock.

Enjoy the rest of the day!  Continue to BE MORE and Live the Good Life!

(The contents of this article are the author's personal views and opinions and his sole responsibility.)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Guilty as Charged!

I would like to start this article by saying that life is good.  I want to make that declaration for myself and for everyone.  It just feels good. Try it. Say, "Life is good!" Look to the person next to your left and say "Life is good." Now, do it again, this time to the one to your right.  Repeat it to the person behind you and to the person in front of you.  Finally, touch your chest and say, "Life is good!"  Doesn't that feel nice?

No matter how miserable we may think life has been, I would still want to believe that life is indeed good and it will continue to be as such.

Have you ever wonder how fortunate you are simply by reading this article or any article from the internet?  Well, perhaps you may not realize it but, together, let's try to take a look into it.

First, the computer (or whatever gadget) you are using and the internet connection.  How many people around the world are blessed to have computer in their homes or have internet connection, just like you?  I don't know.  But what I do know is that there are places not even reached by electricity so computers and internet are aliens to them.  They live in darkness, literally.

Second, how were you able to have this computer?  You bought it using your own money?  Somebody gave it to you?  Or, you are in the office and you are using your company's computer and internet connection.  (Ha! Ha! Ha!)  I don't know how you were able to acquire your computer or access the internet.  What I do know is that there are millions of people who are jobless right now and having the money to bring foods to the table is their primary concern rather than purchasing the latest gadgets or surfing the internet.  These are people who would rather burn their skins toiling under the sun rather than spend their time in front of the computer.

Third, your comfort.  You left your house this morning, went to the office, worked in an air conditioned room, had a sumptuous lunch, snacks in between meals, coffee breaks, left the office after eight hours, return to the comfort of your home.  Have you ever thought how blessed you are?  Imagine how many people have no home to call their own.  Imagine how many people walk for miles just to reach their destinations.  Imagine how many people stay under the sun, burning their skins and stretching their muscles for a day's wage.  And they will have to do it again tomorrow, day after day.  Imagine how many people were afraid to come home because they have nothing to give, no food to hand to their children, or sick parents, who are waiting for them.

Fourth, your time, your talent and your treasures.  These three things are possessions that everyone would want to have.  You have the time to spend on the things you want to do.  (Well, probably not all the time but still you're better off than those who, if wouldn't work, won't earn and eat.)   Your talent, what you know and what others could only envy from afar. They can't steal it from you but you can always share it to them.  Your treasures, your material possessions.   Are you among those who have the latest gadgets?  Upgrading every time new updates are released?  Did your mansion shrink that you have to replaced it with a bigger one every now and then?  Your car is already a year older so you have to replace it again?

The list may go on and on.  And I know it is not my business if you enjoy these things while others don't.  In fact, I won't even ask you to sell your possessions and distribute to the poor.  No!  I'm not even asking you to donate to charities, adopt a child, sponsor a scholar, build a house for the homeless,  or anything like that.  If you are privileged than the other, that's not your fault (of course, that's if you got it from moral and legal ways).  It isn't the underprivileged's fault either.  You may be rich and they may be poor because of circumstances, behaviors and beliefs, or for any other reason.  It is not my intention to discuss that right now.

What I want to share here are simply two things that I've realized when I looked back on how hard my parents worked under the heat of the sun or in the midst of heavy rains and thunderstorms and those ordinary people I see everyday on my way to work - people who will not eat if they wouldn't work.

One, Gratitude.  Be thankful for what you have and what you enjoy.  The tendency for us, based on what I've observed and what I personally experienced, is that, we compare our selves to the people who have more than what we have.  They may be more good looking, richer, more intelligent.  We seldom look at people who look up to us - the poor, the homeless, the jobless, the lonely, those who are alone, starving, sick, abused, threatened, and on and on.  We seldom realized how fortunate we are compared to these people.  We always want to have more.  To be above the others.  What we don't see are the ones who have less.  Have a sense of gratitude.  When you have a grateful heart, what else could go wrong?

When was the last time you've been thankful for what you are and what you have?  May be you could start NOW.

I don't know to whom you believe you owe that gratitude.  I believed in One God, and for me, first of all, I owe that gratitude to Him, then to my parents and to the people around me.  What matters is you know how to be thankful.

Two, Honor.  Honor yourself.  Bring honor to who you are.  Bring honor to the One who blessed you and to the people who raised you  Show that you are worthy of what you have or what you became.  Make whatever you have as instruments to bring honor to other people, to yourself and more importantly, to the ONE who has given you those things. If you have the time, the wealth and the talent but you are using it to degrade other people, take advantage of them, look down on them, where's the honor in that.

I am not saying that I am better than you are.  No one's better than anyone, unless he thinks less of himself than that of the other.  And the only person I know who did that was a Carpenter by the name of Jesus. With all the glories He has since time immemorial, He chose to be among men, lived among the poorest of the poor, betrayed by His friend, abandoned by His followers, died in the hands of the very people He healed and taught and saved.  He lived and died like a poor man, a servant, a slave, only to live again and be hailed as King of all kings.

I don't ask you to be Jesus.  Just be thankful for all the blessing you have and have the courage to bring honor to who you are and to what you have.  I repeat, bring honor to who you are and to what you have by being a living example of an honorable person who knows the value of gratitude.  
 If you would ask me right now if I am living with gratitude and honor, all I can say is that, I am trying.  But for now, let me just admit, "Guilty as charged!"

But even so, I am striving to BE MORE and Thank More so I can Live The Good Life.