An Ezine Author!

Jose Hipolito, EzineArticles Basic Author

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Goals on Track

Just a couple of days ago, I made something really funny and I am surprised until now of its effect.  But, before I tell what it is, or show rather you, I want you to take this step by step procedures for a short while.

Did you know that you can change your default homepage when you browse the internet?  It's like your corporate web address if you are using company computer or Yahoo! or Google or whatever is that first internet site that appears when you launch your internet browser.  Did you also know that with just a simple change in your browser's home page it could make a significant impact to your life, your career and in keeping your goals on track?  

If you're in the office or using NOT your own computer, I suggest NOT TO DO the following.  But if you are USING YOUR OWN computer (or your company allows you to personalize your web browser), follow me in this little experiment.  

Ready?  Here we go... 

What internet browser are you using right now?  Internet explorer?  Great!

Launch your Internet Explorer and find the upper most gear icon on the right hand side of your window.  It looks like this.  

Then, click on the "Internet Option" menu and a similar box like the one below would appear.  Now hold it for a second cause we're not done yet.  You see, the highlighted portion is the URL of your homepage.  That is what we want to change, which we will do later.  Ok?

Now, If you are using Mozilla Firefox, here's how you are going to do it.  

Launch Firefox.  On the upper left hand side of your window is the tab "Firefox." See it?  Click it and then the menus will appear.  Select the "Option" menu and then "Option" again, just like the second picture below.  Once you've clicked that, a box similar to the third one below will appear.  

Notice the highlighted portion again.   That's what we are going to change.  But don't proceed just yet.  Let's wait for the Chrome users.  

Chrome users, are you ready?  Here we go!  

Launch your Google Chrome and on the right hand side of your window you will see a "wrench" icon.  See that?  Yep, click on that and the menus will show up.   Select the "Options" menu and the second window below will appear. Are you there now?  Good.  See the "on start up" and "home page" items like the ones highlighted below?  Great! Hold it just right there.  

Now, IE, Firefox and Chrome users, are you ready to achieve your goals by simply changing your personal computer's home page?  Ready?  

Type this on the highlighted portions you've seen thus far:  

You got it?  Amazing! It isn't that hard is it? Now save what you've just did. (Chrome users, there's no "save" option on that window, but it's OK, it will be saved automatically).  

Close your browser now and then re-launch it.  

There you go! 

I was quite surprise that for just three days after I made that site, it has been viewed by more than 30 unique visitors.  You could be one of those.  

Imagine what a simple reminder like this one can do to keep you on your goal.  I made this my browser's homepage and whenever I am tempted to surf the internet for unnecessary matters, I would just back-out and say, "Whoa! Do I really NEED to use the internet right now?"

There, I hope you've learned something new today and I hope that I have shared something to you to keep you on your goals of BEing MORE and LIVING THE GOOD LIFE!  

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