Now, that doesn't look too original, does it? Yep, more like the famous line by Tom Cruise from the movie Jerry Maguire.
Alright! First, let me ask you a very simple question. Will you please explain this: E=mc2.
Whoa! Don't ask me to do the explaining for you. If you want, check it out on wikipedia or check out the book Relativity: The Special and General Theory by Albert Einstein. I think it came from that book. Whatever you chose, don't you look at me and ask me to explain it for you.
"Okay, what's the point?"
Here's the point my friend. That equation seems to be too simple. Yes, it appears to be so. Agree? But, it has baffled the minds of countless scientists of modern time. Many have tried to disprove it and failed. That simple equation solved many of mankind's greatest problems and it is still solving even more until now.
What I am trying to say is this. Solutions to our problems need not be too complicated. Sometimes, the answer we've been looking for is too simple that we couldn't believe that it is true. To make my point clear, let's have an illustration.
"What's my life purpose?" You say.
Well, that's a pretty tough question.
I don't think I can answer that in here. But to simplify my answer, here it is: "Try GOD." Yep! Six letters. That's all there is. That's all I can say. That's all we need. Don't ask me for your purpose in life. Ask God. He puts in you here, He must know the reason why. Why do you like to complicate things looking all by yourself for the answers to your existence? Have you tried asking Him? Seriously, did you? If God doesn't seem to answer, maybe you haven't asked seriously. If you'll keep trying to find the answer to that question of yours, well, I've got news for you. Before you find it, you will have no more time to spend on that purpose. So try God. It will make your life easier and your answers faster. For some, the answers come in an instant. For others, a longer period of time. Here's the thing, aren't you complaining about life's too many problems already? So why burden yourself on something you could ask God to answer for you.
I don't have the answers to life's questions. But I know Someone who can. And I just told you about Him a while ago.
I've often said that I am a fan of self-help philosophy. It is reflected in the books I read and perhaps in the articles I write. One day, not so long ago, I realized that I've been spending too much on too many books that takes too many hours to read and yet too little effect on me. Then I saw this thick black book I have that has been gathering dusts for a long time. I opened it and there in front of me were 73 books in one volume (for others, yours may have only 66, depending on the version you're holding).
Here it is, the best "God-Help Book" that I could ever need just being ignored. Why?
"Because that'll be just too plain and simple. It can't be the answer?! The answer to my life's questions, the solutions to my life's problems must be complex. It can't be just as simple as reading the Bible!"
There! Again, I failed! I can't accept that God is all I need. That simple. That plain.
How about you? How long will you keep looking for complicated answers to your life's questions and problems?
I didn't go to kindergarten but, I must say that it is indeed during those early part of our lives when we are still young and innocent and life is simple and plain that we learned a lot of things that get us through with life and it's problems. But when we grow old, we think that our problems become complicated and the solutions should be complex as well. Could be. But still, I wanna Live the Good Life and so my resolved is to live trying SIMPLICITY FIRST.
Alright! First, let me ask you a very simple question. Will you please explain this: E=mc2.
Whoa! Don't ask me to do the explaining for you. If you want, check it out on wikipedia or check out the book Relativity: The Special and General Theory by Albert Einstein. I think it came from that book. Whatever you chose, don't you look at me and ask me to explain it for you.
"Okay, what's the point?"
Here's the point my friend. That equation seems to be too simple. Yes, it appears to be so. Agree? But, it has baffled the minds of countless scientists of modern time. Many have tried to disprove it and failed. That simple equation solved many of mankind's greatest problems and it is still solving even more until now.
What I am trying to say is this. Solutions to our problems need not be too complicated. Sometimes, the answer we've been looking for is too simple that we couldn't believe that it is true. To make my point clear, let's have an illustration.
"What's my life purpose?" You say.
Well, that's a pretty tough question.
I don't think I can answer that in here. But to simplify my answer, here it is: "Try GOD." Yep! Six letters. That's all there is. That's all I can say. That's all we need. Don't ask me for your purpose in life. Ask God. He puts in you here, He must know the reason why. Why do you like to complicate things looking all by yourself for the answers to your existence? Have you tried asking Him? Seriously, did you? If God doesn't seem to answer, maybe you haven't asked seriously. If you'll keep trying to find the answer to that question of yours, well, I've got news for you. Before you find it, you will have no more time to spend on that purpose. So try God. It will make your life easier and your answers faster. For some, the answers come in an instant. For others, a longer period of time. Here's the thing, aren't you complaining about life's too many problems already? So why burden yourself on something you could ask God to answer for you.
I don't have the answers to life's questions. But I know Someone who can. And I just told you about Him a while ago.
I've often said that I am a fan of self-help philosophy. It is reflected in the books I read and perhaps in the articles I write. One day, not so long ago, I realized that I've been spending too much on too many books that takes too many hours to read and yet too little effect on me. Then I saw this thick black book I have that has been gathering dusts for a long time. I opened it and there in front of me were 73 books in one volume (for others, yours may have only 66, depending on the version you're holding).
Here it is, the best "God-Help Book" that I could ever need just being ignored. Why?
"Because that'll be just too plain and simple. It can't be the answer?! The answer to my life's questions, the solutions to my life's problems must be complex. It can't be just as simple as reading the Bible!"
There! Again, I failed! I can't accept that God is all I need. That simple. That plain.
How about you? How long will you keep looking for complicated answers to your life's questions and problems?
I also have a book entitled, "All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten" by Robert Fulghum. It's a gift from Rheena and it has been a long time since I've completed reading it (I guess I must re-read it).
I want to share with you Fulghum's credo. He said,
"All I really need to know about how to live and what to do and how to be I learned in Kindergarten. Wisdom was not at the top of the graduate school mountain, but there in the sandpile at Sunday School. These are the things I learned:
Share everything.Play fair.
Don't hit people.
Put things back where you found them.
Clean up your own mess.
Don't take things that aren't yours.
Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody.
Wash your hands before you eat.
Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you.
Live a balanced life - learn some and think some and draw some and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some.
Take a nap every afternoon.
When you go out into the world, watch out for traffic, hold hands, and stick together.
Wonder. Remember the little seed in the Styrofoam cup: The roots go down and the plant goes up and nobody really knows how or why, but we are all like that.
Goldfish and hamsters and white mice and even little seed in the Styrofoam cup - they all die. So do we.
And then remember the Dick-and-Jane books and the first word you learned - the biggest word of all - LOOK."
I didn't go to kindergarten but, I must say that it is indeed during those early part of our lives when we are still young and innocent and life is simple and plain that we learned a lot of things that get us through with life and it's problems. But when we grow old, we think that our problems become complicated and the solutions should be complex as well. Could be. But still, I wanna Live the Good Life and so my resolved is to live trying SIMPLICITY FIRST.
“Purity and simplicity are the two wings with which man soars above the earth and all temporary nature.” - Thomas Kempis
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” - Leonardo Da Vinci
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