An Ezine Author!

Jose Hipolito, EzineArticles Basic Author

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Over Qualified or Under Rated

If you are an employee, you would probably experienced being turned down from a job application even just for once.  If not, then congratulations.  But even so, this article is also for you, so read on.  

What's the usual feedback you get?  Generally it would be that you are "un" qualified for the job.  What else would the reason be?

So you asked yourself, unqualified because of what?  Either you are "over" or "under" but much the same "not" qualified. 

If you applied for a job and you were told that you under-qualified, good for you!  Why is that? Because it means you have the opportunity to improve some more. If your qualifications didn't match what they are looking for, it means you have to improve on those traits a little more.  Be More I say!

But if you overqualified, there goes your dilemma.  What would you do?  Apply to a higher posts or look for another opening.  Seems a pretty good idea.  But before you move in to that, let me ask you something.  Could it not be that you are overqualified because you "under rated" yourself?  You are applying for something lower than what is required of you.  In life, it is asking for something lesser than you deserve.

Let me repeat that.  Could it not be that you are overqualified because you UNDER RATED yourself - asking for something lesser than you really deserve?

Well, it boils down to this.  If you have no clear understanding of yourself and your abilities, chances are, you'll end up in the wrong path.  Not only in your search for work but in life as well. In any way, you must match your strength and character with the choices you make. If what you want seems too high for you, then raise the bar, Be More and reach for it.  There is no use in looking small on yourself.  If there are far greater things you can do or attain, don't make humility an excuse.  False humility makes no sense at all.  I don't think that it appeals to God either.  

So next time that you are tempted to go lower than what is expected of you or give lesser than what you can, think twice whether you are fulfilling your purpose.  

And one last piece of advice, don't settle for less because if feels good, comfortable and that is where most people are.  Rather, strive and then thrive to BE MORE and Live the Good Life!


Well, I am just expressing my thoughts, if you have another point of view, please feel free to share.  I welcome comments and constructive criticisms.  

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