An Ezine Author!

Jose Hipolito, EzineArticles Basic Author

Sunday, December 4, 2011

To Everything There Is A Season

It is December already and here in the Philippines it is supposed to be cold. Yep! Cold. Not raining!  But today, it has been raining the whole day.  I guess, time has really been changing the ways of the world.  Or maybe, because it'll gonna be the new season, "Rainy Christmas Season".  I really don't know. Better ask the scientists.

Anyway, how's your day so far?

It's Sunday today, have you done your "service"? Now that I've mentioned it, it got me thinking, should it really be called "Sunday Service"?  I mean, most of us, we call it Sunday service because we do it on Sundays, like some responsibility that we have to do on a particular day.  It's more becoming like "Clean the house Saturday," "Laundry Wednesday,"  "Go to the market Tuesday," and "Movie Friday."  I don't want to be sounding too religious now, I am just asking if there should really be a single day devoted to our spiritual needs.  Again, I guess, the Lord knows that we are too busy with our daily lives, being the good God that He is, He don't want to bother us by requiring devotion 24/7 of our lives doing the "service."  We have six days to go on with our tasks so that we can have one day to dedicate for Him.  Well, that's just my guess.  I may never know if I'm right or wrong.  But, I think, it will be better still if we could be doing "Everyday Service." What do you think?  Or you think that there is really a better day or season for everything?

That question lead me to my next question, let's talk about seasons in your life.

"What season in your life you are right now?"

Are you in the sowing season where you are planting the seeds to greatness and success?  It doesn't matter if you are planting for something spiritual and personal or something material.  What matters is that you are doing something to achieve it; as long as it is for your good, the good of other people, and for the Glory of God.  Or are you now in the season of reaping, of harvesting the fruits of your labor?  If you are, then great! But as you now have the fruits of you labor, let me tell you one thing.

My father is a farmer. He plants rice (palay). During harvest season, he would select the portion of the rice field where the yield is best.  He would make the rice from those lots as the new seedling for the next sowing season to ensure that the next crop will also yield good.  He keep on selecting the seeds that will yield the most.  How about you, if you are now harvesting the fruits of your labor, are you setting it aside to be the next seedlings for the next planting season?

Our life has different stages, different seasons.  But whatever season you may have gone through in the past, remember this, IT'S OVER.  You don't have to dwell on it forever.  Learn from it and move on.  You are not to live life backwards.   Something grand is waiting for you in the future.

If you've been bullied, hurt, persecuted, cheated, betrayed or anything bad has been done to you in the past, remember, now is the season of sowing the seeds of hope, forgiveness, joy, love and faith.  Let these seeds grow into your heart. Leave the pains behind.   In time, in God's perfect time, you will reap the fruits of these seeds and then Live the Good Life.

"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:He hath made every thing beautiful in his time 
...also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end."  -Ecclesiastes 3:1,11

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