An Ezine Author!

Jose Hipolito, EzineArticles Basic Author

Friday, December 2, 2011

What Morning Brings

Good morning, everyone!

May I ask you a question, just now?  What does morning bring to you? Really? Have you thought about that?!

Well, for some, it brings new hopes, new energy and excitement.  For most of us, it brings us to these:

"Oh, no, not again."  

"Morning again, I have to go through this hell called work again?" 

"Morning? What morning?! I ain't goin' out of my bed today!"

Or, are you someone who would say:

"Thank you Lord for this wonderful day. New start and a new hope.  May all the things that I will think of, say or do today be my gift of praise to you."

Mornings are supposed to recharge us from the exhaustions we've gone through the previous day. So make it a habit to start each day fresh and with vigor.  Morning is about new beginnings. Whatever happened yesterday or last night, we cannot bring back.  But we are blessed enough to be given the opportunity to make a brand new start, to continue what we haven't finished and to live another day in abundance.  Whatever your cares are, cast them upon the Lord and be relieved.  That's what mornings are all about.  A reminder for us that there is a God larger than all our problems, greater than all our fears, who always bring new hopes for us.  If you are reading this right now, that means you are blessed with a beautiful morning and that you are to share that blessing to others.  

As you go on your way today, let me share this one to you:

"Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you.  Show me the way I should go for to you I lift up my soul." - Psalm 143:8
Today, like all other days, strive to become more than what you are, better than what you are.  That's a promise given by each breaking dawn.  Be more! and Live the Good Life!

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