An Ezine Author!

Jose Hipolito, EzineArticles Basic Author

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Becoming the Children of God (John 1:12)

There were children and then there were strangers.  The children almost always have part in the inheritance, but not the strangers, except for a very few.  The children have the privilege of being part of a family where they are nurtured and loved. The strangers, aside from a few moments of generosity and compassion, were not part of the grace reserved for the children.  One would not keep his or her children out in the cold of the night and let some strangers in to his or her home.  That’s not the way of the world. 

But there were strangers, unrelated by blood, who were taken in as one’s own.  They are the adopted sons and daughters, worthy to be called heirs and part of the family.  They were given the rights to call their “parents”, father and mother.   If this can happen here on earth, believe that it is possible, too, in the heavenly realms. 

“But to all who believed Him and accepted Him, He gave the right to become children of God. (John 1:12)”

†Father, we thank you for the gift of life.  We thank you Father for Your grace that You made us worthy to become Your children through Jesus Christ Your Son, our Lord and Savior. 

Father, touch our hearts today, so that as we read and meditate on Your words, we may fully understand Your message.  Lead us, Father, in a life that will make us worthy to be called Your sons and daughters, children of the Most High. All this we pray, Father, in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

From our last article, we talked about how Jesus, being the Light of the world was not received in the world.  He created it, yet He was not accepted by it.  Such were the people living in the dark.  And many of us today are not different from the people of Jesus’ time on earth. 

We love darkness because in the dark, we can be bold and daring and careless.  Compare the crime rate during the day and during the night.  Most crimes were committed at night.  Why?  Because people, like us, who do bad things believe that we are isolated from the light during the night.  We can do whatever we want because no one can see us.  So we gain false courage and dare to be bold.  But you know that is not true, because God, who is ever present and ever powerful, can see us even during the darkest hour of the night or even if we hide in the deepest abyss of the earth.  That’s why many would deny Jesus – and deny God.  We hate the light the would expose our wrong doings. 

No one would want to wave their dirty hands in broad daylight.  Not even me.  So we move away from the light, making us strangers to God. 

But there is hope.  And that hope is in Jesus. 

Many people, in order to achieve the grace of being called child of God have done so many things.  But if we will look at the verse above, we need to do only two things: BELIEVE and ACCEPT.


We know that there are many who do not believe in Jesus –  as to who or what He is.  So let’s not talk about them.  Let us talk about the many who “believe” in Him. Believing something is associating it as real or true.  If we believe in Jesus, then we believe that He lived on earth and that He existed.  But this “belief” requires more than just acknowledging the fact that Jesus lives and that He is the Son of God.

If we are to believe in Him, then we must believe His works and His words.  You cannot say, “I believe in what you said, but I don’t believe it’s the truth.”  What is the point in believing a lie.  Believing in a person but not in his words is very contradicting in its own.  Such is something we cannot do when it comes to our belief in Christ.  We cannot simply believe that Jesus is the Son of God and our Savior, and yet do not believe the words He said.  We cannot also say that we believe Him to be the Christ, but not believe that He died for our sins. 

Many people who are suffering and struggling in life profess their beliefs in Jesus but they live their lives as if He can do nothing about their problems.  Many people believe in Him and His remission of sins, but continue to live their lives as if they can never be forgiven.  They believe in Him, but not His words, not His works.  If we truly believe in Jesus, we will believe what He said and will DO as He commanded. 


Accepting Jesus means letting Him in into our lives.  You cannot accept and not receive.  “I accept this gift, but take it with you when you leave.”  “I accept you in our house, but you have to stay outside.”  That’s not acceptance. And I don’t know what it is.  We cannot say, “Jesus, I accept you in my life as my Lord and Savior, but don’t meddle in my affairs.  I can do this on my own.”   Accepting Jesus means surrendering everything to Him.  When you ride a taxi, you don’t instruct the driver when to turn left or right, when to step on the brakes and when to change gears.  You just tell him the direction or location you want to go and let him do his job. 

So, when we accept Jesus, we just have to let Him do His job of changing us, from the inside out.  We cannot accept Jesus and then continue on our own “journey” of self-enlightenment, self-discovery, self-fulfillment or whatever you want to call it.  All our efforts, though some may succeed in some areas and for some times, will all end empty and will fall short.  Because only by accepting Jesus we can have the fullness of life.  With Jesus in our lives, we shall lack nothing for He is the Good Shepherd with unfailing love that will pursue us all the days of our lives (cf. Ps. 23).  


This not something you can do – this is the outcome of your belief and acceptance of Jesus Christ.  This is the grace of God that is offered to all of us through Christ.  This is made free for you and me because Jesus already paid the ultimate price – His death on the cross.  With His death and resurrection, we can become heirs and be called children of God.  All we must do is Believe and Accept.

Then, what shall we do as we become children of God?  Live like one.

“This includes you who were once far away from God. You were His enemies, separated from Him by your evil thoughts and actions.  Yet now He has reconciled you to Himself through the death of Christ in His physical body. As a result, He has brought you into His own presence, and you are holy and blameless as you stand before Him without a single fault.  But you must continue to believe this truth and stand firmly in it. Don’t drift away from the assurance you received when you heard the Good News. (Colossians 1: 21-23)”

†We thank you, Father, for the love and mercy you have given us.  We thank you for the gift to be rightfully called your children through Jesus Christ.  Without you, we are nothing.  And as a child of the Almighty, we pray that you meet our every needs like a babe helpless and in need of your love and care, every waking moment of our lives.  And when our time on earth comes to an end, welcome us in the gate of heaven, to a place You have reserved for us since You laid down the foundation of the universe.  All this we pray, in Jesus’ mighty name, together with the Holy Spirit, who lives and reigns with You, now and forever. Amen.†

Saturday, September 27, 2014

People's Denial of the True Light (John 1:10-11)

There are times when the people you cared the most were the ones who didn't believe and listen to you.  It is a bit disappointing when you tried to reach out to them and share with them what you've learned but they didn't seem to care.  This is not something new, so don’t worry if you experienced setbacks like this.  More often than not, people have their own understanding of things and have their own views of the world, thus, making them pre-occupied with their thoughts and own desires. 
If these things can happen to you, you can be assured that it also happened to the Greatest Teacher ever to walk on earth. 

“But although the world was made through Him, the world didn't recognize Him when He came.  Even in His own land and among His own people, he was not accepted” (John 1: 10-11).

†Father, You sent Jesus to this world so that we may know You, the Truth, the Life and the Way to Salvation.   You sent Him to us as the Light of the world which He Himself made.  Lead us, Father, so that we may recognize Him, receive Him and live as He had lived.  Lord Jesus, guide us as we listen and meditate on Your words.

In the Name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. †

In the previous articles, we learned how St. John described Jesus to the early believers of the Church.  Jesus was with God from the beginning. He created everything.  He was God.  It must be considered that according to most Bible scholars, this Gospel was written during the first century when the Church was in its early years and was suffering from persecutions and challenges.  To give hope to the believers, St. John may have intended to strengthen the Church’s faith by introducing Jesus as the Son of God.  A power to whom everyone can seek refuge and comfort. 

During the time that the Gospel was written, the years before that, and even up to this present day, there were skeptics who don’t believe the message of salvation that is Jesus Christ.  People in the times of Jesus had their own perception of salvation.  From the last book of the Old Testament until the birth of Jesus, the people of Israel have been waiting for the Christ for hundreds of years.  During those years, many came to claim to be the Messiah but all of them proved to be false.  Then there came Jesus.  A Jewish carpenter from Nazareth, uneducated - unlike most scholars of that time.  Born and raised in poverty.  Who was this Man to teach about the salvation of Man and of the Kingdom of God?  The Christ that they were waiting for is a man who will end slavery and oppression. Not a carpenter.  Certainly not Jesus.

As we would also learn later from other verses in the Bible, even His Mother and brothers (and sisters) were skeptical about Him and His teachings.  St. James, also believed to be a brother of Jesus, was at first skeptical about Him until His resurrection on the first Easter when Jesus appeared to him again.  From that point on, St. James became a true believer, lead the Church in Jerusalem until he was martyred like many other saints and defenders of the Faith.

Maybe the people during those times were afraid that they again fall prey to those people pretending to be the Christ.  Maybe, the people during those early times when Jesus was about to start His ministries had doubts about God’s promised salvation.  Eventually, their fears and doubts blinded them.  And when the Light of God came to the world, they denied Him.  They cannot comprehend the way the Light was revealed to them.  It was not what they've been expecting.  It cannot be the truth that they've waiting for.

Doubt and fear lead to blindness.  People who suffered in life would understand.  People who experienced being alone, helpless and brokenhearted would understand the feeling of being forsaken by a God who never seems to listen.  Tired, afraid, brokenhearted people,  resort to closing their eyes and choosing darkness -relying upon their own understanding and strength-than to hope for a distant spark of light.  And these people hold on to their “blinded-faith.”  They refused to acknowledge the Light because it does not conform to what they believe and  expect. 

Until this day, many were living in the dark because they refuse to acknowledge the light.  Many still don’t believe in Jesus because He doesn't fit their preconceived idea of a savior or Son of God.  Many even deny His existence.  Many even deny the very existence of God.  The people of those days still live today. 

But, for the Church and to the believers, Jesus is the Christ – the Son of the Living God.  And through Him, we can find the light of peace, joy, hope and love that endures forever.

†Amen.  Lord Jesus, You are the True Light from the Father.  In You we entrust our lives.  Guide us that we may continue to live the life You have always wanted for us.  And when our time on earth come to an end, welcome us in Your loving presence.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. †

Saturday, June 21, 2014

The True Messiah (John 1:6-9)

Imagine you are attending a seminar, a conference or a talk by someone popular.  Or imagine you are watching the Oscars.  Have you notice how much effort the organizers exert to identify the presenter of the Key Speaker or the Best Actor or Actress?  Did you notice all the efforts they have to put in so that they can introduce that special person, that Best Actor or Actress, that Key Speaker very well?  For the Oscars alone, the presenter is almost always an A-Lister in Hollywood.  That’s how special the message is.  That’s how special the person who is about to be introduced.  And it’s never about the presenter.

Just recently, I was invited to deliver the commencement address to the graduating class of my elementary school.  The Principal and almost all the teachers went to our home to talk to me and my parents.  Probably to get a glimpse of how I am at home or the kind of person before the eyes of the people who know me and are close to me.  They asked questions about my current work, the works I had, the schools I’d been, awards, affiliations, etc.   These people wanted to know a little more about me before they present me to the graduating class – before I give my message. 

I think there’s more than just courtesy in there.  I believe that what they've done was due diligence.  Those people wanted to know me better so they can introduce me better.  But to make their work a bit easier, I asked my wife to draft the introduction and gave it to the school as guide.  Who would know me better than the very person I spend all of my time and secrets with. 

Join me as we take a first look on how Jesus was introduced by John the Baptist.

†In the Name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

“God sent John the Baptist to tell everyone about the light so that everyone might believe because of his testimony.  John himself was not the light; he was only a witness to the light.  The one who is the true light, who gives light to everyone, was going to come into the world.”  (John 1:6-9 NLT)

John the Baptist was Jesus’ cousin from His mother’s side.  John was a little older than Jesus - by merely three months.  If you are like me who grew up in the province and with closed family-ties, then you might be close to your cousins as well.  Jesus and John did not come from well-off families.  Probably, they grew up together.  I Imagine Jesus and John as kids, playing in the dirt during summer and enjoying themselves running and dancing together under the rain.  I can even imagine the two of them talking about the pretty girls they meet.  They are both humans after all.  I don’t know what was John’s profession but I know Jesus became a carpenter.  They are about thirty years old when something happened.  John was called to be in the wilderness.  He threw off his clothes and dressed in camels’ hair instead.  His food?  Locusts and honey.  John became a mad man in our today’s standard.  A crazy one crying out for the people to repent and turn away from their sins for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

Imagine you are in a country under foreign rulers and your prophets of early days promised you of a deliverer, a Messiah that will liberate your nation.  Scholars said that during this time in Jesus’ life, there were a lot of people who claimed that they were the promised Messiah – the one promised to unite and rule the kingdom of God just as David did in his time.  Many of these so called messiahs failed.  Of course we know, that because we know who the True Messiah Is.  

So during those times, John was so bold asking people to turn away from their wicked ways.  Could he just be another one of those so-called messiahs?  Probably that was what the people were asking then.  They came to the Jordan River to see John the Baptist and hear his message.  Many believed in him because we know he had his own disciples.  But I still believe there were skeptics who went there to question if John’s message was true?  If he is the promised prophet who will come before the Messiah?  Or if he is the promised Messiah?  John became popular those days.  We can almost see him both as a hero to his people and a threat to the rulers of that time.  He might have won a few friends but he certainly had a lot of enemies.

People who were desperate for a savior, people who wanted liberation from the foreign rulers, people who were tired of poverty, hunger, illness, and persecution were looking for miracles – looking for hope.   And they thought they found it by the Jordan River through John the Baptist. 

But from among the many nameless faces in the crowd gathering around John, his beloved cousin came silent as a cat.  John was a flickering light of hope during those times, but a “nameless face in the crowd” would change that forever.  John was about to become a channel of a Divine Message far greater than what he had been preaching all this time.  The True Light was about to reveal Himself to the world through “mad-man John.”  And what makes John special to be called as the presenter of the True Light of the World was not any of his heavenly visions or divine appointments, but because he was related to Him by blood.  They were childhood friends.  They probably grew up together.  They knew each other well.  That what makes John the Baptist special to be called to announced the forthcoming salvation. 

In our world today, we see a lot of “John the Baptists.”  These are the people who preach about Jesus.  We see them on televisions, on concert halls, on lavished buildings, hear them on the streets, on radio, and read about them and their messages on books, magazines and the internet.  Today, they no longer shout in the wilderness.  They no longer wear clothes of camel hairs nor eat locust and honey.  Today, many of them wore expensive designer clothes, eat delicious foods and drink the best wines.  They no longer sleep in caves of the wilderness because they own big and grand houses. 

These modern John the Baptists still shout the same cry the first John shouted about 2000 years ago.  “Prepare a straight pathway for the Lord’s coming (Jn. 1:23).”  We hear them alright, but like the people of the old, some of us listened and act, some just stood and wonder.  Is it because we grew too used to their messages or is it because they don’t really know this Jesus they are talking about?

Next time we hear of a modern John the Baptist, care to take some time to listen to his message.  Does he really know who is this Jesus he is referring to?  Would he trade everything he has, put on a camels’ hair as robe, eat locusts and honey, and live in caves to get his message across?  I’m sure there are some who will.  But many will fold.  Why?  They really don’t know who Jesus is because they never had the experience to sing and dance and cry with Him out in the rain. 

Test these voices that cry-out in the wilderness.  There is only One True Light – and He’s not one of them.  So before you put your trust in that flickering light in the dark; listen, think, and search for the One Who Gives Light to Everyone – that’s Jesus and there’s no one else. 

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  Amen! †

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Christ the Divine (John 1: 1-5)

Let us begin our journey by walking through and with the Bible.  Our first stop, the Gospel according to John. 

It is believe that the author John is the same Apostle often described as the Disciple whom Jesus loved.  According to Bible Commentary by Matthew Henry, the Gospel and Epistles of John were written in Ephesus about 97A.D.  Therefore, putting it much later than the time John wrote the Revelation, while he was exiled in the island of Patmos. 

We picked John, as suggested by many Bible scholars, for us to have a glimpse of understanding of the true nature of Jesus before we proceed to other books in the Bible. 

† In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

John 1:1-5:

“In the beginning the Word already existed.  He was with God, and He was God.  He was in the beginning with God.  He created everything there is.  Nothing exists that He didn't make.  Life itself was in Him, and this life gives light to everyone.  The light shines through the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it. (NLT)”

In his commentary, Henry said that “the plainest reason why the Son of God is called the Word, seems to be, that as our words explain our minds to others, so was the Son of God sent in order to reveal His Father’s mind to the world.”

So what’s in God’s thought that He wants us to know?

Clearly, we can see that Jesus did not just exist some 2,000 years ago, but even before the beginning of time.  Jesus, we know is a Man because we know that He lived as a man and died as a man.  But this passage shows that He is God even before He became man.  If we will go back to the very first book of the Bible, Genesis, we will learn that God created everything.  But in here, we are given a different version of that story – that “nothing exists that He (the Word, referring to Jesus) didn't make” and that “He created everything there is.”  Therefore, if we follow a simple logic, then the Word who created everything and who was with God before the beginning and at the same time is also a God, must be the same God of Genesis. 

John, and in relation with Genesis alone, solves the mystery of the Trinity, or at least the Father and the Son being One.  If the Son is God and the Father is God, then there are two Gods – “He was with God, and He was God.”  But the entire Bible tells us that there is only ONE TRUE GOD, even Jesus said this.  How can, then, a God be with “another” God at the time of creation?  Must be, God the Son is in God the Father.  That’s “two person” being One at the same time.  The unity of the Father and the Son – both God, both Creator. 

It is very difficult to comprehend because we are trying to picture out God in the image of man and within the bounds of the physical realm.  Physics, we know, rules that a matter can only occupy one place at a particular time.  Therefore, in the physical world, which we try to use to understand the nature of God, it will be impossible to have two God in One Being.  But God is, and forever will be, outside the boundary of the physical world, which in the first place, He created.  How can you fit the Creator in His creation?  How can you limit the Creator within the properties of His creations.  If the nature of God will be too small to “fit” into our understanding, then, how was He able to formulate and maintain the entire creation as it was, as it is today, and as it is in the future?

By the moment we realize that Jesus, the bringer of Good News, is the same God who created everything, wouldn't we be grateful to know of His awesome power?  Wouldn't you put your trust in Him?

Jesus, the One who holds Life in Him, came into the world and every moment knocks on our doors to share the Life that gives light to everyone.  When are we going to open that door for Him?  If you know that someone is at your doorstep, willing to give you this kind of Light that no darkness can ever extinguish, will you not let Him in?  How long will we stay in darkness if we know that Jesus holds the life that gives light to everyone?

Jesus - God, Creator, Bringer of Life and Inextinguishable Light – is standing at the doorsteps of our hearts, knocking, will we let Him in? 

Amen! Lord Jesus, come in to our lives. 

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Amen. †

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Classes (Re)Start

Most of the schools here in the Philippines opened today.  In my younger days, I always looked forward at the beginning of the school year.  New notebook... new... ?? I think that’s all I had then.  I never had problems using old bags or clothes or even recycled notebooks from the previous years.  New or old, it didn't matter.  All I needed was something I could use.  But of course I wanted something new every start of the year. 

It’s a different feeling when you hold in your arms something new.  It gives you renewed hope that this time it will be better than the last one.  Something new is something you will always look forward to, something you will love sharing and talking about. What’s new inspires you.  What’s new excites you.  But sometimes, it is not always that something or someone “NEW” that will give you the needed inspiration, the needed excitement.  Sometimes, it is the old one being rediscovered.  Finding something different, understanding it deeper, and appreciating it more will lead you to greater joy and happiness. 

The same goes with faith as it is with other things.  You are searching for something that will give you more meaning, more purpose.  You look for answers to your questions and instead of finding the answers, you find alternative “fixes.”  Good for you if can find the answer from a different path.  But better if you can care enough to study more and learn what’s already there.  Sometimes, the answers we’re looking for is not from without but kept within.  Sometimes, change is not even necessary.  Maybe it is just a little effort to look deeper, listen more intently. 

As we’ve invited you in the past articles, please join us as we take this journey of (re)discovering Jesus.  Join us as we take small, baby steps towards Him and get to know the Son of Man better. 

For our reference, we decided to use the New Living Translation (NLT) version of the Bible (©1996), not for any other particular reasons, but merely for easier understanding of the words.  We are still babies, you know, so we need to take “soft” foods for now. 

This is not a philosophical or theological or religious journey.  This is just about a man trying to rediscover his faith in One Man named Jesus.  This is just about a man being in front of the Divine as he tried to see a glimpse of His glory. 

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Who is This Jesus?

“Jesus?  Jesus who?”

“Hi! My name is Jesus and I came from Galilee.  My trade?  Oh, yes, I am a carpenter.  I inherited a shop from my father Joseph. But, actually, I don’t do much carpentry nowadays.  I’ve been roaming around the countryside, with my small group of friends, talking to people, giving them hope and preaching the good news of God’s salvation.  We don’t have a regular place to stay, so no permanent address. We are usually seen dining with the poor, the outcasts of the society, the prostitutes, the tax collectors, the lowest of the lows and the poorest of the poor.

“From time to time, we heal the sick, cast out demons, bring dead man back to life, feed five thousand men and a lot more that most people would call miracles.  Well, scholars of the law, priests, leaders of the church and of the cities call us enemies of the religion and threat to the existing traditions and customs.  We are not pretty much the kind of preachers and teachers you may have in mind.  Most of my friends and co-workers have no formal schooling, they were fishermen and ordinary men from the lowly part of the country.  All of us, and I mean all of us, are in danger of arrest and persecution, everyday.  One day, we will die in the most painful ways.  But that’s still in the future right?  For now, I, we, just do what my Father in Heaven asks me to do.  If you trust in Me, join us.”

Imagine talking to Jesus right now and He said those lines.  What will you say to Him?  How will you answer?

“Gee, you seems to be doing a great job.  But, you see, I am too occupied right now. I got bills to pay, my parents are aging and I have to take care of them, my kids are still young and they need me most of the time.  You know, I am really busy right now.  Maybe some other time.”

“What have you been smokin’, man?  Bringing back to life a dead man?  Healing the sick, dining with harlots and tax collectors?  You must be insane?  I heard you are in constant argument with the high priest and his cohorts.  Don’t you know that you are endangering your life and that of your friends?  I wouldn’t join you, man.  Not in this life, not even in the next.”

“Jesus?  From Galilee?  Is there something good from that place?  Just talk to someone else and stay away from me.”

“Oh, I see. What you are doing seems pretty interesting.  But, what’s in it for me?”

“Sure, but let me just tell my family about it.  I need to consult my wife first, you know.”

“I have a lot of troubles of my own.  Why should I join you?”

We don’t have to look too far to see that one of these responses may resonate our own. Who is this Jesus that we should be spending our time thinking about Him and what He said or has to say? What’s in it for us?  Is there any available resources or references that we can use to know exactly who He is?  He’s too popular and yet no two individual know Him exactly the same.   

Jesus and His words are more than just fashion and fad that last for a short time and then go away.  He and His words have been with us for more than 2000 years.  And we don’t see it going away.  He’s going to stay for all eternity.  Amen.  Jesus was there even before the beginning of time. 

So who is this Jesus? 

Jesus is both Human and Divine.  Trying to understand Him with our small minds would never be enough to see how big His nature is.  

Just to have a short but clear picture of who Jesus is, let’s take a look at how John introduces Him:

“In the beginning the Word already existed.  He was with God, and He was God.  He was in the beginning with God.  He created everything there is.  Nothing exists that he didn’t make.  Life itself was in him and this life gives light to everyone.  The light shines through the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it... The One who is the true light, who gives light to everyone, was going to come into the world... But although the world was made through Him, the world didn’t recognize Him whe He came... So the Word became human and lived here on earth among us.  He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness.  And we have seen His glory, the glory of the only Son of the Father.”
“For the law was given through Moses; God’s unfailing love and faithfulness came through Jesus Christ.  No one has ever seen God.  But His only Son, who is himself God, is near to the Father’s heart; He has told us about Him.” (John 1:1-5,9-10,14,17-18 (NLT))   

Join us in this journey as as we try to know more about this Man named Jesus.  Let us live our lives, from being good to being godly.    

An Invitation

“The night is dark and full of terror.”

That is the famous line from the TV series Game of Thrones, an adaptation of the book with the same title. 
It is a fictional line but it cannot be too far from reality.  

We are now in the age when every street and every corner is illuminated by man-made lights but we remain in darkness and hides in terror.  We live in the world of interconnected lives but with disconnected hearts.  We know what’s happening on the other side of the world but we don’t even care on what’s happening with our next door neighbor or the person sitting on the next cubicle in our workplace. We, despite all the glory and honor that man received in this world, still live in darkness and fear. 

But we know too well that there is fear only when one is left too long in the dark.  For from light, from illumination, comes forth courage and hope.  Light birngs forth true understanding and wisdom.  From lights comes life and freedom.  But that light must be searched with diligence, perseverance and eternal dedication.  We need to find that light, come what may.  But which light, for many have claimed to be bearers of light?  The Light of Faith, Lumen Fidei, which can only be found in Jesus.  

“Faith is not a light which scatters all our darkness, but a lamp which guides our steps in the night and suffices for the journey” (Pope Francis I, Lumen Fidei, #57).

For many of you who have been with us for more than a couple of years now, you know that try to dwell on the natural things and talk about how we can live the good life.  If you’ve been with us for quite a long time, you will realize that we are sharing with you things that may inspire you to live a life that you want.  But you will also be wise enough to see that we’ve been doing it the wrong way.  We encourage you live a good life instead of urging you to live a godly life – a life that imitates the life of Jesus. 

I invite you to join me, as I search for that light of faith.  This is an invitation for everyone, ordinary people who wants to go out of dark and run away from terror.  This is an invitation for everyone to march forward for their faith, their freedom, their life – both here and in eternity.  Join me in this journey of self-discovery and making Jesus more famous.   

We are going to change the theme of this site.  We will now be dedicating this site to the men and women who seeks to find not a good life but a godly life.

This is an open invitation – free of charge.  Join us as we journey towards life, using nothing but the light of faith to illumine our path, until we meet Jesus as He welcomes us in His loving arms.     

Thursday, February 13, 2014

A Happy Hearts' Day - Me and Mrs. H

A few hours from now and people from all over the world would start being romantic again.  "I love yous" and "Marry Mes" will soon fill the air. But for the brokenhearted, what else is there and what's so specially with Feb. 14?  It's just another ordinary day that's been too much commercialized and over-rated.  Oh, well... it all depends on who you ask.

As for me, I had a great "pre-Valentine date" this morning! Yes, Mrs. H and I, we literally attended to the pressing concerns our "Pag-ibig." I'm talking about the Home Development Mutual Fund (or Pag-Ibig), a government agency in the Philippines.  Whoever thought of the idea of calling it Pag-Ibig (LOVE) is a genius.  Building a home and a great future, really starts with love.  By the way, PAG-IBIG stands for "Pagtutulungan sa Kinabukasan: Ikaw, Bangko, Industria at Gobyerno."

So, going back to my pre-Valentine date.  It was just a typical dine-in in a local fast-food restaurant in a noisy location in the Metro.  The only difference is that it's a workday and it's at 10 am. Who dates his wife at 10 am in a Thursday? Nothing fancy, nothing unusual, nothing special.  But our little chit-chat over some oily fried rice and unfiltered dark brewed coffees are much like the ones we always have, until it turned into a very uplifting conversation.

The conversation that started with sharing of our school and work experiences, ended up with in-depth analysis of why things happened, how did it happen and what we've become because of those experiences.

Some of the things that Mrs. H said this morning that really left an impression on me are these:

"You don't stop (doing something) because you are tired but because you are done."
"Job well done is a job satisfaction in itself."
"You don't have to listen to what others will say about you. Some will see your potential, others will not. Sooner or later, your true self will emerge and people will see your true worth."
"Your experiences, at school and at work, will mold you to the kind of person that you are - technical skills don't count that much- it's your attitudes and work ethics."
After that nice and sweet breakfast together, I now ask myself, "Do I really have to buy books, listen to audios and attend seminars to motivate and inspire me? I could just sit and listen to this amazing lady the whole day."

To all of you who will be celebrating "love day" this February 14, I wish you happiness and meaningful celebration.  With or without "special someone" fill the day with love.

To Mrs. H, I know we never really celebrate Valentine's Day, but I must say, you really know how make a man fall in love with you - over and over again - making each day a Happy Heart's Day.

P.S.  When I came home this evening, candies and sweets were waiting for me.  Ha ha ha! Same treats she has for her kids tomorrow.   

Monday, January 20, 2014

Choose To Be Brave

The best thing about being blessed is you won’t be able to contain it to yourself.  One way or another you must share it.  When you feel the love of God overflows, you have no alternative course of action but to share it.

Everyone has a story to tell.  What’s your story? 

It doesn't matter if it isn't the best story in the whole world.  It is okay even if it is not “for Hollywood” or a novel-like story.  It is your story.  And because it is your story, it hasn't ended yet.  You can still make it as one of the best stories ever written.  Who would stop you?

What’s my kind of story?  It’s a story of grace.  A story of second-chances (lots of it, actually), of mercy and forgiveness.  It is a story of hope.  Hope that comes from God.

Many people would raise their eyebrows if ever they read this article, (if they really read it) especially the ones who knew me so well. 

“Well, that’s not the Roy we know,” they will probably say. 

And I won’t blame them.  This isn't the life I intended to live.  This isn't the life I wanted.  Very much so, this isn't the life I have lived.  But by God’s grace, I am living the life I thought I never deserved.  God is putting blessings in our tables, who are we to say no? After all, these are not ours to keep but to share to everyone.

Twenty-fourteen is really starting to be a great year for us.  Not because there is such a thing as great year but because we resolved to make it greater than 2013.  And we know God hears our prayers, He is making Himself felt in more ways than one. 

Why did I say my story is a story of second chances?  Because I've failed in the past... many times.  But God never gave-up on me.  He keeps on giving me another chance to try again and make it right the second time around.  Most of the time, that second time becomes second-time-version-seven-zero.  And His message is clear - He is not giving up on you, too!

I won’t give you a list of my failures.  There’s nothing romantic with failing.  But there’s nothing to be ashamed about it either.  In failing we learn.  And my failures have been the instruments God used to make me see life clearer.  He picks me up every time I fall and He lets me walk my way again.  That's how forgiving God is and that's how much He believes in us.

God has been so good that I can boast about it.  And I boast about the goodness and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ – not for what He has done – but for Who HE is. 
Take a good look, friends, at who you were when you got called into this life. I don’t see many of “the brightest and the best” among you, not many influential, not many from high-society families. Isn’t it obvious that God deliberately chose men and women that the culture overlooks and exploits and abuses, chose these “nobodies” to expose the hollow pretensions of the “somebodies”? That makes it quite clear that none of you can get by with blowing your own horn before God. Everything that we have—right thinking and right living, a clean slate and a fresh start—comes from God by way of Jesus Christ. That’s why we have the saying, “If you’re going to blow a horn, blow a trumpet for God.” - 1 Corinthians 1:26-31 (The Message)

In the articles after this, you will be reading about God’s grace and mercy.  It’s all about how to LIVE THE GOOD LIFE after all, isn't it?  I’m not talking about my faith, I am talking about God’s grace.  Those are two totally different things.  Faith is something you give to God and share with people. It’s imperfect just as you are. But grace – God’s grace – is perfect because it comes from One who is Perfect. 

Today, when your faith is called by the Lord to be lived, through His grace, how would you answer?  I, I choose to be brave.